This site is a CDN ("content delivery network"), designed to serve JavaScript and other web resources in way that is:

Visit to learn how to use for your cubing website or web app.

Available modules and packages A ⭐️ indicates a popular module/package.

What does this mean?

If you're not certain what this means, we recommend using the examples from However, if you're familiar with web development using npm then you may find the following information useful:

Each of the URLs above corresponds to an npm package using bundler module resolution, and can be imported in JavaScript/CSS files directly. For example, the following are two different ways to import the same functionality:

 From npm  import { Alg } from "cubing/alg";

 From the CDN  import { Alg } from "";

However, for a given project you should import either:

or your code may not function as expected.

cubing.js uses several technologies (dynamic imports, web workers, and WASM) to ensure good performance for a wide variety of use cases. While these technologies are not new, other JavaScript CDNs often cannot handle packages using them. is designed to make these work seamlessly.

Source code on GitHub.